Consignment Contract


Jogi munkához

Ezzel a funkcióval gyakorló jogászoknak szeretnénk segítséget nyújtani szerződések és egyéb dokumentumok megszerkesztéséhez.


  • Az egyes nyelvekre kattintva a dokumentum az adott nyelven jelenik meg.
  • A "bilingual" ikonra kattintva a dokumentum kétnyelvű, jogászok által haszált formátumban jelenik meg.
  • Az "export" ikonra kattintva a dokumentum szerkeszthető kétnyelvű formátumban látható. Ezzel a szerkeszthető dokumentumba bele lehet írni.
  • Munkatársaink készséggel állnak rendelkezésre a belefordított szöveg fordításában.


Consignment Contract


This agreement is made and entered into by and between [Name of Party A],

Represented by: [Representative's name]
Registered Office: [Principal office]
Company Registration No.: [Company reg. No.]
Tax registration No.: [Tax registration No.]
Statistical No.: [Statistical No.]
Bank account No.: [Bank account No.]

(hereinafter referred to as {Party A}), on the one hand, and [Name of Party B]

Name at birth: [Name at birth]
Date and place of birth: [Place and date of birth]
Mother’s name: [Mother's name]
Identity card No.: [ID Card No.]
Personal ID No.: [Personal ID No.]
Tax ID No.: [Tax ID No.]
Address: [Address]

(hereinafter referred to as {Party B}), on the other hand, {Party A} and {Party B} hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties. in the place and on the date written below, with the following terms and conditions.

{Party A} in engaged in the business of manufacturing of [Merchandise]. {Party B} wishes to arrange for the sale and distribution of its merchandise throughout [Territory].

{Party B} shall have exclusive right to distribute {Party A}'s merchandise throughout the [Territory].

{Party A} shall deliver to {Party B} certain quantities of the merchandise to {Party B}'s place of business at [Address]. Cost of shipping shall be borne by [Party bearing cost of freight]. {Party A} has delivered the goods described below The goods shall remain the property of the {Party A} until they are sold.

Risk of hazard shall be transferred to {Party B} upon the receipt of the goods.

{Party B} agrees to make every effort to sell {Party A}'s goods in the above specified territory. {Party B} agrees to sell the goods at the prices speficied by the {Party A}, with markdowns allowed as described below. {Party B} agrees to return to Consigner any unsold goods to {Party A} upon Consigner's demand.

{Party B} shall provide {Party A} with a monthly report, itemizing all sales activity during the preceeding month. {Party B} shall provide such reports on or before [Settlement date] of each month. {Party B} agrees that all proceeds of the sales shall be paid to {Party A} minus [Percentage] % commission on or before [Payment date] of each month.


Necessary information
{Party A} undertakes to make available to {Party B} all the necessary information . The {Party B} may solicit further information from {Party A} whenever such additional information is required.

{Party A} agrees to provide {Party B} with all documents required and necessary for the performance of the services hereunder within in due time, so that the tasks could be duly performed in compliance with the legal rules.


Request for information
{Party A} may, at any time, request information from {Party B} regarding the performance of the services and the progress of the same.
The Parties agree to mutually inform each other of any and all events or circumstances affecting the performance of the obligations hereunder.


The Parties agree that this Contract may be modified at any time upon mutual consent. Such modification shall be made in writing, and shall be duly signed by the other party.

This Agreeement shall take effect on [Effective date] and continue in effect for an indefinite period of time until terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.


Termination for convenience
Either party may terminate this agreement at any time without specifying the reason thereof upon [number of days] written notice to the other party.
Termination for breach
In the event of material breach hereof, the Parties may terminate this Agreement in writing with immediate effect.
Clearing accounts after termination
If this Contract is terminated for any reason, the Parties shall state their accounts and pay any and all sums due for services already performed.


In the event of any discrepancy between the different language versions, the [prevailing language] version shall prevail.

Matters not regulated in this Contract shall be governed by the relevant provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Contract, both Parties by its duly authorized officer, as of the day and year set forth below.