The concordance search allows you to look directly for one or several words in a database. You can find the usage of terms and collocations in a context.
An excellent tool for searching single words of collocation in the Corpus of Contemporary American English
The frequency counter helps you to determine how frequently a terms is used in English. You can also compare the frequency of different words.
A simple tool to find out how frequently a word is used in English. It is flash-based, you need to allow flash on your computer.
An excellent tool for comparing the frequency of different words. Simply type in the two words, separated by comma.
Tools for analysing the text for various purposes.
Word Count Tool is a word counter that provides an extensive statistics about the word count, character count, the number of characters without spaces.
A simple term for analysing the frequence of the words used in a text. Simply paste the text and do the analysis.
Analytical tools that help determine how easily a chunk of text can be read by specifying certain parameters.
Simple readibilty tool that helps you determine how easily a text can be read by making certain analyses in the text
A tool that helps analysing the readability of a website. You can simply insert an url.