Performance bond

Jogi munkához

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  • Az egyes nyelvekre kattintva a dokumentum az adott nyelven jelenik meg.
  • A "bilingual" ikonra kattintva a dokumentum kétnyelvű, jogászok által haszált formátumban jelenik meg.
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  • Munkatársaink készséggel állnak rendelkezésre a belefordított szöveg fordításában.


Performance bond

titl-perf-bond No. of guarantee letter: [number] [name of the company] [location of the company]  We are aware of the fact that A, as General-Contractor, contracted with B, as Sub-contractor (No. of Agreement: [number], dated as of [date]) to implement ……………….……… In accordance with the Agreement, the Sub-contractor shall give performance bond to the General Contractor amounting to [amount] of the contractual value as a guarantee of the contractual performance. Therefore we as [name of the bank], as Guarantor, hereby give irreversible and unconditional guarantee to pay to You any [currency] amount no exceeding [amount of money]. (*) at your first notice following Your notice of any breach of the agreement with the Sub-contractor, with no regard to any objection of the Sub-contractor, of our Bank or of any third party. This bond shall expire at the end of the second month after the day of the Final Acceptance, no matter whether this bond has been returned to us or not by the General Contractor .  Date: [date] [signature] Company signature of the Bank