Donation of real property
Jogi munkához
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Donation of real property
This agreement is made and entered into by and between [Name of Party A],
Represented by: [Representative's name]
Registered Office: [Principal office]
Company Registration No.: [Company reg. No.]
Tax registration No.: [Tax registration No.]
Statistical No.: [Statistical No.]
Bank account No.: [Bank account No.]
(hereinafter referred to as {Party A}), on the one hand, and [Name of Party B]
Name at birth: [Name at birth]
Date and place of birth: [Place and date of birth]
Mother’s name: [Mother's name]
Identity card No.: [ID Card No.]
Personal ID No.: [Personal ID No.]
Tax ID No.: [Tax ID No.]
Address: [Address]
(hereinafter referred to as {Party B}), on the other hand, {Party A} and {Party B} hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties. in the place and on the date written below, with the following terms and conditions.
DONATIONIn consideration of the love and affection which {Party A} has for {Party B}, {Party A} hereby transfers the above-described Real Property to {Party B}.
ACCEPTANCE OF THE DONATION{Party B} hereby accepts this donation of the above-described Real Property and hereby expresses his/her gratitude for the kindness and liberality of the {Party A}.
TITLE WARRANTY{Party A} unconditionally warrants that the Property is free of liens, claims and encumbrances, and hereby represents that no third party has any right to the Property that may hinder or render impossible {Party B}’s acquisition and use of Property.
VALUE OF THE PROPERTYThe Contracting Parties agree that the value of the Property is [Value of the property].
APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEY Money-LaunderingThe Parties acknowledge that the attorney countersigning this contract is obligated, in compliance with Article 8, Section (1) of Act CXXXVI of 2007 on the Prevention and Combating of Money-Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Money Laundering Act) and the relevant rules of the bar association governing the operation of law offices, to copy the personal identity cards of the Parties, to keep a record of the transaction and the Parties thereto, and to archive and store such data in a manner that is not accessible to third parties.
CondfidentialityThe attorney countersigning this Contract hereby agrees to handle the Parties' data confidentially and to disclose only to the authorities specified in the above act and only in the cases specified therein. By signing this Contract, the Parties consent to the dislosure of their personal data for the purposes of compliance with the obligation to disclose data under Act CXXXVI. of 2007.
Name: {Name of witness 1}
Address: {Address of witness 1}
Identity card No.: {ID Card No. of witness 1}
Witness 2
Name: {Name of witness 2}
Address: {Address of witness 2}
Identity card No.: {ID Card No. of witness 2}