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Tag: legal English conference

Conference in Warwick 2


The last EULETA conference was held in Warwick, England. We spent two days together actively conferring and networking in an intensive environment. The programme was held partly in plenary sessions, partly in sections where a choice of two options was provided. The presentations were focused mainly on training methodology and materials, as well as sharing experiences; new publications were also presented. My presentation took place on Saturday, after lunchtime. The subject was the use of internet-based materials. I had worked on a database of...

Tags: legal English conference, civil law, common law

Conference in Warwick 1


It is good to participate in conferences. No doubt, conferences are the most convenient and effective way of forging new business connections. However much you know, you can always learn something new. At least that is what usually happens to me. If you live in a western European city, you are part of the general circulation of business life. But if you live on the periphery, you do not as much have your finger on the pulse of activity. For those of us living in eastern/central Europe, we first need to cross our borders to do some real...

Tags: legal English conference, civil law, common law

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