The term "act" in Legal English

Act has several meanings in legal terminology. In general, it means the action that is most typical in given setting.

1. Legislative act: An act can refer to a law passed by a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. For example, the Public Procurement Act is a piece of legislation that sets forth the legal rules pertaining to purchases by public bodies. This is a source of law passed by the national legislative body that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations within a jurisdiction.

2. Civil Act: In this context, act or action can also refer to a legal proceeding or lawsuit, proceeding that is not criminal in nature. It typically involves disputes between individuals, businesses, or other entities, rather than violations of criminal law. For example, a class-action is a legal action brought by a group of people who have suffered similar harm.

3. Criminal Act: In criminal law, an act can refer to a wrongful deed or crime. For example, killing another person is generally a criminal act, which is a punishable offense that can result in a criminal conviction and penalties such as imprisonment, fines, or other legal consequences.

Criminal acts can be classified into various categories based on their severity and nature, such as felonies, which are grave crimes punishable by imprisonment for more than one year, and misdemeanors, which are less grave crimes punishable by imprisonment for less than one year or fines.

4. Corporate act: Actions taken by a corporation to achieve its objectives and carry out its business. In practice, corporate act is created by passing resolutions on matters typically brought before the supreme decision making body of a corporation, which is the annual general meeting. In certain cases, corporate acts actions can be performed by the corporation's directors, officers or certain employees duly authorized by the corporation to take such action. Corporate act is generally required to enter into contracts with other businesses, such as suppliers, customers, or partners, or making investments in other businesses or assets, issuing securities, including stocks or bonds to raise capital, borrow money from banks or other lenders, paying dividends, merging or acquiring other companies or even to resolve disputes with customers, employees, or other parties.

5. Performance: In contract law, the term act can mean the performance or action that is required or prohibited by a contract. It can be a positive act, such as doing something, or a negative act, such as refraining from doing something. The specific acts required or prohibited by a contract will depend on the terms of the agreement.

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