Donation of real property inter vivos

Jogi munkához

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Donation of real property inter vivos

titl-deed-dona-inte KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This DEED OF DONATION, made and executed by (Full name of donor), of legal age, single/married to ……………………. and with residence at ……………………., herein after called the DONOR, in favor of (full name of donee), of legal age, with residence at ……………………., herein after called the DONEE, WITNESSETH: That the DONOR is the owner in fee simple of that certain real property with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in ……………., and more particularly described in the Certificate of Title No. ………….of the land registry of ………………., as follows, to wit: ( Description of property) That for and in consideration of the love and affection which the DONOR has for the DONEE, the said DONOR by these presents transfers and conveys, by way of DONATION, unto the said DONEE, his/ her heirs and assigns, the above-described real property with all the buildings and improvements thereon, free from all liens and encumbrances; That the DONOR does hereby state, for the purpose of giving full effect to this donation, that he/she has reserved for himself / herself in full ownership sufficient property to support him / her in a manner appropriate to his / her needs; That the DONE does hereby accept this donation of the above-described real property, and does hereby express his/her gratitude for the kindness and liberality of the DONOR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DONOR and the DONEE have hereunto set their hands this …… day of …. 19 …. , in …………… Donor) ( Donee) Signed in the presence of :