Employment contract

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Employment contract


This agreement is made and entered into by and between [Name of Party A],

Represented by: [Representative's name]
Registered Office: [Principal office]
Company Registration No.: [Company reg. No.]
Tax registration No.: [Tax registration No.]
Statistical No.: [Statistical No.]
Bank account No.: [Bank account No.]

(hereinafter referred to as {Party A}), on the one hand, and [Name of Party B]

Name at birth: [Name at birth]
Date and place of birth: [Place and date of birth]
Mother’s name: [Mother's name]
Identity card No.: [ID Card No.]
Personal ID No.: [Personal ID No.]
Tax ID No.: [Tax ID No.]
Address: [Address]

(hereinafter referred to as {Party B}), on the other hand, {Party A} and {Party B} hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties. in the place and on the date written below, with the following terms and conditions.

The employment shall commence on the date hereof and continue for a(n) .

Employer shall employ Employee in the position of [Position]. The employer's rights shall be exercised by [Exerciser].

Employee shall have the duties and responsibilities as may be described in the job description, which is incorporated herein by reference. The job description may only be modified with the mutual consent of Employer and Employee. Employee agrees to make every effort with all his mental and physical abilities, experience and qualifications, so as to promote the business interest of Employer.

Employee's monthly gross base salary shall be [Base salary]. Employer shall pay the Employee's salary subsequently, after the statutory deductions, by bank transfer to the bank account of the Employee, on or before the [Date of salary payment] of each month. The salary shall be the same if a work day is a national holiday. The Employee consents to receving his/her salary and other benefits by bank transfer to the bank account specified above.


Adjustment of the salary
The salary shall be reviewed on annual basis in accordance with the wages policy of Employer. The adjustment of the salary shall be subject to Empoyee's performance.
Employer shall provide fringe benefits to the Employee, including a cafeteria plan
Employee may also be granted a bonus for his contribution to the profitability of the business. The rate of the bonus shall be determined in the sole discretion of Employer.


Employer agrees to provide a fully insured company car to Employee for business purposes, provided that Employee holds a valid driving licence. The make and the type of the car shall be determined in the sole discretion of Employer. No unauthorised person may use the company car. Employee shall be responsible for the regular maintenance of the car. Employee shall comply with the Car Policy of Employer, which forms a part hereof.

Employer shall reimburse Employee for all reasonable and verifiable expenses incurred during a business trip.

Employee is responsible for carrying out all duties and resonsibilities related to the job. Employee shall perform the tasks in compliance with the appplicable rules and regulations, the internal policies and directives, and the ad-hoc instructions of the Employee. The detailed description of the duties and responsibilities are specified in the job description, which is incorporated herein by reference. The employee shall, in this employment, carry out his duties and responsibilites to the best of his knowledge. The Employee's responsibilities includes finding solutions to technical problems in order to enhance the Employer's competitiveness. Employee agrees to perform his tasks with all his mental and physical abilities, skills and experience.

Employee shall be entitled to vacation as specified by the Labour Code. Employee may take off one fourth of the holidays at the time as may be convenient to Employee, except for the first three (3) months of employment. Employee shall inform Employer of his intention at least fifteen (15) days prior to the first day of holiday. The remaining days may be taken with the consent of the direct report of Employee. The Employer reserves the right to grant no more than four (4) days in the Christmas period when the offices of Employer are closed.

The Employee may take off one fourth of the vacation at the time and in portions as may be convenient for the Employee except for the first three (3) months of the employment the Employer reserves the right … …to grant no more than four (4) days in the Christmas period

The parties mutually undertake not to make any disparaging or derogatory statements about each other during the term of the employment and for a period of one year after the termination of the employment for any reason. The Parties are liable for the violation of the above provision under the Civil Code.

Employee represents not to have any obligation to third parties which hinders him from carrying out the obligations resulting herefrom.

The right of termination for cause may be exercised within [Days] after learning of such instance, but not later than one year after the occurrence of such event. In case of criminal conduct, the employment may be terminated until the statute of limitation of the criminal conduct has run.

On the last day of employment, Employee shall return all property items in his possession to the Employer. Employee shall return all documents created during his employment to the Employer. The job handover process shall be recorded in writing.

During the term of employment, the Employee may not engage in the following activities without the express prior written consent of Employer: establish any other employment (either full time or part time) or any other contract for work, may not enter into contract in the field same as or similar to that of the Employer, may not become officer or supervisory board member of any business engaged in a business activity also conducted by the Employer.

During the term of employment, Employee may not enter into contracts in his own name in the field similar to that of the Employer. The Employee may not acquire shares in any company engaged in activities similar to that of the Employer unless with the prior written consent of the Employer, except for the shares in publicly traded companies.

If the Employee is responsible for the creation of a copyright work, the licence to use shall be conferred to the Employee provided that the Employee developed the same it during his working hours, either individually or in cooperation with others, using the property of the Employer.

Employee represents to be aware of the fact that the Employer his special interest regarding the preservation of the laptop and {Party A} data of softwares installed on it, which was handed over to Employee to perform his duties. Neither the laptop, nor the software and databases installed thereon may be used for private purposes. Employer may not install any software or applications for private purposes. During the term of employment, Employer may inspect compliance with this provision (including compliance with provisions concerning software, applications and correspondence). Employee represents to be aware of and accepts this. Employee represents to be aware of the fact that the Employer his special interest regarding the preservation of the laptop and {Party A} data of softwares installed on it, which was handed over to Employee to perform his duties. Neither the laptop, nor the software and databases installed thereon may be used for private purposes. Employer may not install any software or applications for private purposes. During the term of employment, Employer may inspect compliance with this provision (including compliance with provisions concerning software, applications and correspondence). Employee represents to be aware of and accepts this.

Employees shall be fully liable for any damage caused by the wilful violation of his duties. The burden of proof of the wrongful conduct of the employee, as well as the presence and the amount of damages, shall rest with the Employer. In the case of negligent wrongdoing the amount of damages may not be more than 50% of the monthly average salary of the employee. Employees shall be fully liable for any damage caused wilfully.

Any term of the Employment contract may only be amended with the mutual consent of the Parties.

The Employee shall keep every information confidentially during the term of the employment and for a period of [Confidentiality period] after the termination of the employment contract.

Employee shall keep all information related to the business activity of Employer confidential. Empolyee shall be bound by confidentiality during the term of the employment and for a period of 3 years thereafter.


Representations regarding employment
Employer and Employee mutually represent not to be aware of any fact or circumstance which would affect the validity of this contract, not to have any obligation to third parties which hinders him from fulfilling the obligations hereunder.