Consent to registration

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Consent to registration

titl-cons-regi The undersigned {Name of Party A}, (hereinafter referred to as {Party A})

Name at birth: [Name at birth] Date and place of birth: [Date and place of birth] Mother’s name: [Mother's name] Identity card No.: [ID Card No.] Tax ID No.: [Tax ID No.] Address: [Address] Personal ID No.: [Personal ID No.]

with reference to Section [Number of referred section] of the Real Property Sales Contract concluded on [Date of concluding the sales contract] hereby confirms that {Party B}, (hereinafter referred to as {Party B}) has fulfilled her obligations specified in the contract. Therefore, {Party A} unconditionally and irrevocably consents to the registration of {Party B}’s fee simple title to the Property in the land register on the legal ground of sale and purchase and requests that the reservation of title be deleted.